It’s alright ‘cuz Roger Crawford is White

“It’s alright, I’m white ✊😄”- Roger Crawford

What would you do if you saw a large white man stalking your apartment complex armed with a loaded shot gun yelling belligerently at residents?

Call 911.

It seems like the beer chugging gun toting verbally abusive piece of trash over in BSL land is mad because he is unable to bully his apartment complex into throwing out people who have service dogs he doesn’t like….


An epedemic according to Roger the drunk, which probably means he saw ONE pit bull type dog. So, true to DBO form he’s ready to start harassing folks.


Roger- the piece of walking trash thinks it’s a great idea to walk around a complex with children playing with his loaded rifle threatening people and Jennie Sue thinks its a great idea! These people don’t truly care about people or children’s safety- Roger just cares about looking like a bad ass- but in reality, he’s a racists pathetic excuse for a man… But I think deep down he really knows that.


…. Judge all muslims and pit bulls as dangerous. Hilarious. Especially coming from the man who continously talks about killing dogs and harasses people. Roger is a bigger threat to children and people in his community than any dog.

What should worry the authorities is- Roger is a recently hired truck driver for a company called KeHE and he will be driving through many cities and towns with the mindset of terrifying and harassing groups of people and killing dogs.



You know who else had that mindset and was a truck driver?


Keith Jesperson- just another serial killer who was a truck driver.

I think it’s safe to say Roger Crawford can be and is as dangerous as Jesperson….


….but he’s not worried. He’s allowed to terrorize people with guns ‘cuz he’s white.

Something tells me Sprout and KeHE wouldn’t agree. Would you want Roger rolling through your town?

Go ahead and let KeHE know what you think about it if you want….their email is right here.