The Game of Morons

Can you guess what I’m watching as I recap the weekly stupidity that flows from the computers of BSL Advocates?


Are you ready? Well, let’s kick off this weekly recap with the tried and true beastality comment, really… It’s like those BSL Advocates have some kind of fetish involving it.


It seems like Kathleen really put a lot of thought into her fantasy, using rather descriptive words as if she was penning a beastality novel for her fellow BSL advocates!

Animal cruelty seems to be something that happens rather often among the BSL advocacy and their families. At least in the family of Vicki Maxwell it does…


Vicki stood by and watched her sister’s “little brat” (her words….) kick her dog hard enough that her dog lost some teeth. I wonder, if her dog DID bite the child, would she have a) euthanized her dog, b) blamed the dog for biting the child that had just kicked the dog so hard that it lost some teeth and c)paid for the medical cost of the child?


When it comes to honesty, BSL Advocates are usually lacking, HOWEVER it can happen, usually when they don’t realise it, like this litte gem:


You know, when the shoe fits…. Considering both Brown & Borchardt (The double B’s!!):

Stalk children ✔
Take images of children not their own without parents permission ✔
Post images of children that are not their own in secret facebook groups and pages ✔

Hmmm…. Pretty much the same online predatorial behavior of pedophiles…


Many times there is a question about which BSL advocate(s) run which hate page/group on facebook, but every now and then- they just accidently spill the beans, kind of like Jennifer Martin Kim.



What was it that Borchardt wrote in yet another whining blog post? OH RIGHT, “they create these pages to EDUCATE us.”


Feeling educated yet?

You know, I wonder if any of you “nutters” are even able to read this post? Why am I asking? Well…. According to BSL advocates, us darn nutters just can’t read!


Finally, just a reminder of how BSL advocates promote animal abuse and encourage it, I’ll leave these two screen shots right here…



Someone should find out what rescue J.Bone works at…..

Breaking the Law… One page at a Time

BSL Advocates breaking the law? Say it ain’t so! As I write this, numerous BSL Advocates are sitting behind their computers violating copyright laws and they can’t even try to say they are using the “fair use rule”.


Why you ask? Because these idiots are literally sitting behind their desks printing out a book that has wrecked such havoc on their warped reality and mailing it to each other.



Carol Miller, board member of would LOVE to purchase an illegal copy of the book!

What book are they distributing illegally? This book of course:


Which has continued to do something that no BSL advocate has been able to do: educate. Review after review have proven that this book, written beautifully by Bronwen Dickey is drawing positive, thoughtful and insightful attention to this topic that BSL advocates want to avoid- unless it’s to jam fear and hatred down your throat.

I sincerly hope and wish that Ms. Dickey reaches out to her vast network and nails Craig Brown (who gleefully and publically admitted to stealing and attempting to profit off stolen material) to the wall… legally of course.


The Agenda

The main agenda of BSL advocates is to successfully find ways to kill pit bulls and BSL advocate and member of The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed Katrina Chilton shows us exactly how it is done.


Katrina went to Winnebago County Animal Shelter and adopted, while she claims in the TPBPMR that she was “duped” the pictures tell a different story, not to mention, if you research the adoptable dogs from  Winnebago County Animal Shelter, they seems to be very open about the breed of dogs that are sitting in their shelter…


Chilton claims that she keeps her “red nosed pit bull” in a cage almost 24/7. Aggression issues? Not really according to her, just “some of the time.” Although, who wouldn’t have behavioral issues being locked in a cage all day long? She openly admits that she doesn’t even let him out of the cage until her boyfriend gets home, which is from 10 am until 11 pm.  13 hours locked in a cage.   Can you imagine being locked in a cage for 13 hours?


As usual, BSL advocates such as Jeff Borchardt, Stacy Westover and Harve Morgan are ignoring the apparent animal abuse and are more than happy to assists in finding “solutions” for the poor dog.


What are their suggestions?

  1. Have a vet euthanize a dog by lying about it’s environment, temperament and behavioral issues.
  2. Take it to another humane society that WILL euthanize it based off the lies of Chilton.
To Gain Popularity?


Katrina  Chilton is no stranger to the beliefs of the TPBPMR, considering she has been a member for over a year now. Did she adopt this dog with the idea of eventually euthanizing it for the BSL movement?

emergency11It seems as if the dog was not a big issue in Novemeber,  considering she felt it wasn’t any threat to her child as she allowed the dog to sit on her child restrained in a car seat while the car was moving… even laughing about it and posting it on social media.


Let’s not forget to show the cute video of the puppy playing…


Either way, Winnebago Shelter has been notified of the intent to destroy a dog that has been a victim of self admitted neglect and they can sort it out. Either, she’s full of shit and lying to gain brownie points in a obvious disgusting and foul movement or she really is keeping a dog caged for 13 hours a day and causing irreversible damage to a helpless animal.



“Just Kill them ALL”

Yes, that is exactly what Tony Solesky, Board member of Daxton’s Friends recommends for not just pit bulls- but ALL dogs sitting in shelters.


“Simply gas all dogs regardless of breed that wind up on shelters.. ALL OF THEM.”

I think this speaks volumes of their agenda…. “Just kill ’em all”.

Non-Profit Founder & Friends Call for Support in Legalizing Dog Fighting.

Yesterday, I wrote a post showing BSL advocates supporting the idea of legalizing dog fighting and today, BSL advocates have upped their support in legalizing dog fighting by telling their fellow BSL advocates to call in for SUPPORT of legalizing this horrible crime.


The Pit Bull Problem, a group administrated and created by Jeff Borchardt, the founder of the non-profit group Daxton’s Friends and friends continue to solidify their public stance of supporting “putting the pit’s back into the pits”.



Is it possible that the founder of Daxton’s Friends are funneling the small amount of donations into supporting legalizing dog fighting? It’s possible, especially considering how secretive Borchardt is about were his alleged donations are being allocated.  What’s even more interesting, one of Borchardt’s close friend and fellow admin of the group Pit Bull problem is the lawyer J Thomas Beasley. Beasley, residing in New Orleans, a city dealing with it’s own dog fighting problems, has currently accepted a postion with Jefferson Parish Indigent Defender Program and will no doubt be defending those arrested for dog fighting and acts of animal cruelty.  BSL advocates defending animal abusers and dog fighters? It’s no secret just how involved they are at promoting animal abuse towards certain breeds of dogs and now they are supporting legalizing it.