Daxton’s Friends Board Members & BSL Advocates Attack Veterans

An ex-Marine, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and a brain injury thanks to a deployment to Iraq finds himself targeted by the warden in the City of Lakewood and now by the board members of the small PRO BSL hate group/non-profit Daxton’s Friends.

veteren3.PNG(Picture provided by thedodo.com)

According to Aurora Wells, writer for the Dodo.com.  Veteran Patrick Boyd adopted his emotional support dog Veronica in 2011, even working with a certification program to get Veronica to receive the training needed to work as Patrick’s emotional support dog. According to the city of Lakewood’s own breed- specific legislation, Patrick was not breaking the law since service dogs are an exception to the ordinance and while the Warden continued to harass him, it seems as if the courts sided with Boyd.


That seems to irritate the failed politician Solesky, Founding board member of Daxton’s Friends. Calling the Iraq veteran irresponsible and fraudulent, he proceeds to mock the injured veteran all because Solesky feels that he should have a choice in the tools that Veteran Patrick Boyd should use- which is what Veronica is besides being a dog- she is a tool needed for Boyd to be able to function on a daily basis.



(Borchardt letting the public know that he feels that Veterans with pit bulls should be excluded.)

This isn’t the first case of board members of Daxton’s Friends mocking and harassing veterans that happen to be pit bull owners. In fact, the founding board member Jeff Borchardt commented that he felt the need to remind veterans that are pit bull owners that their dogs need to be euthanized. It’s interesting that a convicted felon, who couldn’t and wouldn’t even be able to serve their country feels that he should have a voice in what veterans should or should not have.