It’s alright to really write what you are thinking…

It really is alright to write what you are thinking, really it is. Sometimes the best message that you can share is full of sincerity and honesty that can only come from the bottom of your heart and this is exactly what I’m about to do.

So, from the bottom of my heart and I sincerely mean this: Fuck you PETA.  Fuck you right in the ear. Which ear, you ask? Does it really matter? Left, right? Heck, let’s go for both since I’m feeling generous.

I mean, it’s no secret how I feel about PETA and it’s really no secret how PETA feels about anything that could possibly be labeled a pit bull, but as usual, they have sunk to a new low. Just recently, the piece of shit  Mayor, a Mr. Denis Coderre expressed his glee as he created and pushed a ban that possibly is just as bad, if not worse than the Denver ban. As Mr. Coderre rubs his fat grubby hands in anticipation of killing thousands of innocent dogs sitting in shelters and ultimately killing family pets of people that might not be able to afford following this outrageous and inhumane law, PETA has swooped in like the vulture that they are and are celebrating the  mass euthanization that will be happening.

I kid you not folks… PETA’s online article starts with the most assinite title ever:

“Why People Who Care About Pit Bull Welfare Support Breed Protection”

I don’t know who they think they are fooling and really, you should be offended that PETA thinks that you, the average citizen, are that dumb to not realize what their version of “breed protection” really means. Come on PETA, you sneaky devil… we know you really just mean “breed specific legislation“. I know that PETA likes to portray pit bull types as these horribly abused dogs, which in fairness, some are, there isn’t a doubt about that but what they don’t tell you after writing a little line like this: “-remember Michael Vick?” just how those horribly abused dogs from Michael Vick’s property have grown into amazing, inspiring and loving dogs. I wonder why PETA didn’t mention that? Well, why would they? They are to busy cheering for Montreal. I wouldn’t be surprised if PETA isn’t loading up some death on wheel vans with an intent to drive right up to Montreal and help with some euthanizations, considering PETA’s fearless murdering leader has already shared how she loved to come in early to euthanize some innocent animals before her actual work day started.



Honestly, beneath the anger, I’m sad. I’m sad that Montreal’s mayor and PETA have taken it upon themselves to blacken humanity with their discriminate hate and blood thirst. I’m saddened by the fact that soon, dog after dog, puppies to the elderly pooches will have their lives snuffed out for no reason what so ever. Has killing innocent dogs EVER prevented dog attacks? Nope and that’s a fact. Why is that, you ask? Because irresponsible dog ownership doesn’t discriminate. Irresponsible dog owners don’t care and they have hundreds of breeds to chose from. An irresponsible owner of ANYTHING won’t be affected by this, just like irresponsible gun owners won’t be affected by tougher laws, sex offenders won’t care about harsher penalties, drug dealers absolutely did not care about the Regans “Just say no to drugs” campaign…. you get the drift. You know who will be affected? Families. Responsible dog owners, FUTURE responsible dog owners and we can’t forget about that. The next generation. Our children, who could be stepping into a Montreal shelter to adopt a dog like what they had as a child and find not one single one there, why? Because PETA and Coderre killed them all.

Jeff Borchardt & Craig Brown- Stalking on Demand



If you listen closely, you will hear the buzzing of bitterness deep within the hive of BSL craziness. One of those voices seething with bitterness is the infamous Jeff Borchardt. Why is he bitter now? What could have possibly triggered his predictable temper tantrum?

A insightful, beautifully written New York Times best seller book that dares to speak the truth and filled with facts about pit bulls.


A book that destroyed anything and everything written by BSL Advocates. A book that confronts the inaccuracy of “statistics” by the notorious Merritt Clifton, who for some reason declined to actually back up his “statistics” when the author contacted to him give him a chance to back up his facts. A book that is supported, enjoyed and loved by professionals and experts… something that no BSL advocate has yet to ever achieve. It’s not like they haven’t tried- I mean,  J Thomas Beasley attempted to write a book, Misunderstood Nanny dogs, unfortunately for BSL advocates it sank faster than the titanic. I suppose the world wasn’t ready for a cut & paste printed copy of, but it shows the glaring difference between a well researched book (like Dickey’s) and a hack job like Beasley.

So yes, Borchardt and his fellow morons have a lot to be bitter about and true to form, the founder of Daxton’s Friends  resorts to his typical behavior…. sending out the stalkers and one in particular, Mr. Craig Brown.  It’s not like Craig Brown is new to the stalker world, in fact, he reeeeaaallly enjoys stalking people and children. Yes, you read that right- Mr. Craig Brown enjoys stalking children.


It’s his love for stalking that Borchardt knew that Brown was the best man to send to stalk and harass Bronwen Dickey at her book reading/signing which he happily did.


Even AFTER he was removed and the police had been dispatched because of his harassment and stalking, he found it necessary to attempt to pass out Daxton’s Friends fliers provided by Jeff Borchardt.

I can’t help but find the false bravado from Borchardt to be somewhat amusing. While he sits behind his keyboard in his little town in Wisconsin, always bragging about he’ll face any pit bull owner anywhere to “educate” them on his views, both him, I and a certain media group now just how false that really is.



In attempt to set it out all on the table, I encouraged a face to face  with Borchardt to be aired on a cable network channel. I even agreed to fly to his little hell hole and buy the jobless man a cup a coffee while we discussed our differences of views. I thought for sure, the man who keeps pounding his little chest and proclaiming how he would set pit bull owners straight in a face to face would absolutely jump at the chance to “educate” me with his “facts”…. surprisingly, he declined. Here was this platform with access to millions and he refused. I even agreed with producers to not to write about his growing incoherent online rants for a bit and he still chickened out. At the end of the day Borchardt showed his true colors and yellow fits him.

While I’m sure that Ms. Dickey will never have to worry about Borchardt ever growing the balls to ever face her one day, it’s no secret he will send his stalker buddies just like Brown to follow her and harass her at every opportunity.


…. and if they can’t physically stalk her, they will make sure to stalk her online also.



Welcome to the world of BSL advocates….

The Borchardt Blame Game- Who Really is to Blame?

Who is to blame when it comes to a fatal dog attack? Bessie Flowers, 86 years old and brutally mauled by her daughters two “pit bull” dogs. Two dogs that have had numerous complaints about aggression issues.


“Neighbors told WCCB that the animals had shown aggressive behavior in the past and had warned authorities about them.

One male neighbor, who did not want to be identified, said: ‘There have been two incidents with those dogs. They attacked other dogs here. No one has done anything about it. I constantly told people that they are going to kill someone.’

Police records show that officers were called to the home once before in 2013 to reports of two aggressive animals, but the reports were not substantiated.”



Most “normal” people would look at the dog owner who obviously continued to own two dogs with previous aggression issues, however there is nothing “normal” when it comes to the bizarre behavior of Borchardt, the founder of Daxton’s Friends (the alleged “educational site” with zero educational material.).  Who does Borchardt blame for this horrible preventable tragedy?

A bunch of random strangers. Strangers that have absolutely no connection to the victim or the victim’s family. Strangers that had zero influence on the behavior of the dogs. That doesn’t matter to Borchardt, because it’s EVERYONES fault.  It’s YOUR fault! It’s that random person’s fault! It’s that homeless man’s fault! It’s hollywoods fault! It’s all of the veterinarians fault! The police departments fault! It’s Obamas fault!


Typical cowardly Borchardt fashion, he take the blame game a step further and encourages the online harassment of a woman (key word… woman) who dared to speak out against his childish tirade:


… and guess who is liking each disgusting and vile comment?


This is just another glaring example of why BSL is fundamentally flawed, because the focus is more about the humans and very little about the dogs and BSL advocates prove this every single day. They have made sure that breed specific legislation encourages discrimination (against the dog owners), it encourages racism (against the dog owners), it glorifies sexism and misogyny (against the dog owners) and educates unstable individuals in ways to hurt/kill/maim both animal and humans. The Breed Specific Legislation advocacy has becomes this festering cesspool of fear, hate and violence and that is the environment that they love.


Thank God we won’t stay silent and we will always speak louder than their hate… which scares them very, very, very much.


The Agenda

The main agenda of BSL advocates is to successfully find ways to kill pit bulls and BSL advocate and member of The Pit Bull Propaganda Machine Revealed Katrina Chilton shows us exactly how it is done.


Katrina went to Winnebago County Animal Shelter and adopted, while she claims in the TPBPMR that she was “duped” the pictures tell a different story, not to mention, if you research the adoptable dogs from  Winnebago County Animal Shelter, they seems to be very open about the breed of dogs that are sitting in their shelter…


Chilton claims that she keeps her “red nosed pit bull” in a cage almost 24/7. Aggression issues? Not really according to her, just “some of the time.” Although, who wouldn’t have behavioral issues being locked in a cage all day long? She openly admits that she doesn’t even let him out of the cage until her boyfriend gets home, which is from 10 am until 11 pm.  13 hours locked in a cage.   Can you imagine being locked in a cage for 13 hours?


As usual, BSL advocates such as Jeff Borchardt, Stacy Westover and Harve Morgan are ignoring the apparent animal abuse and are more than happy to assists in finding “solutions” for the poor dog.


What are their suggestions?

  1. Have a vet euthanize a dog by lying about it’s environment, temperament and behavioral issues.
  2. Take it to another humane society that WILL euthanize it based off the lies of Chilton.
To Gain Popularity?


Katrina  Chilton is no stranger to the beliefs of the TPBPMR, considering she has been a member for over a year now. Did she adopt this dog with the idea of eventually euthanizing it for the BSL movement?

emergency11It seems as if the dog was not a big issue in Novemeber,  considering she felt it wasn’t any threat to her child as she allowed the dog to sit on her child restrained in a car seat while the car was moving… even laughing about it and posting it on social media.


Let’s not forget to show the cute video of the puppy playing…


Either way, Winnebago Shelter has been notified of the intent to destroy a dog that has been a victim of self admitted neglect and they can sort it out. Either, she’s full of shit and lying to gain brownie points in a obvious disgusting and foul movement or she really is keeping a dog caged for 13 hours a day and causing irreversible damage to a helpless animal.
