Barbara Kay: The Bitter Canadian

When Barbara Kay isn’t bashing rape victims and calling for the prosecution and humiliation of rape victims, she is drowning in her pool of pit bull hate. What has gotten her knickers in a bunch now? The fact that people are fighting for dogs rescued from a dog fighting operation in Tilbury Ontario to not be euthanized and people like Don Cherry, a famous Canadian hockey icon are stepping up and speaking out in support of saving these dogs.


It’s no secret that the Vick dogs are 47 fuzzy doses of reality that shatters the very foundation of the image of fighting dogs that BSL advocates like Kay and her minions desperately cling onto. Kay writes, “Pit bull activists can rant until the cows come home about them getting a bad rap, but genetics are what they are. And no amount of “rehabilitation” can rewire a dog’s brain. In 2015, 9 per cent of canine-related human deaths were by dogs rehomed by county operated shelters or rescues, most of them by pit bull type dogs. “, yet, the Vicktory dogs have proven Kay wrong, along with multitude of  other dogs rescued from dog fighting operations. This is exactly why Kay and fellow BSL advocates want these dogs automatically euthanized because they know that these 21 dogs will prove them wrong again.

The reality is- not one single dog rescued from a fighting operation has killed or injured one single person and they can’t handle that nice dose of reality. BSL advocates have tried EVERYTHING to distort the truth about these dogs, even falsifying and out right lying about their “involvement” with the Victory Dogs.  These 21 dogs, right along with the Vicktory dogs will always be in the public eye, which is fine because that means the truth will always be out there, proving people like Barbara Kay and her dwindling group of BSL advocates wrong.

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These dogs, this mash up of breeds that make these controversial dogs are not like every other dog out there. These dogs, have the ability to over come hell. These dogs, thanks to their nature have the ability to rise above and be the direct opposite of what POS like Vicks bred them to be. These 21 dogs, the Vicktory dogs and the majority of these dogs sitting comfortably on couches, snoozing in back yards, walking with families, running with playmates and living life happily show the amazing potential and spirit to not just thrive but to better than just a label and this is exactly why people like Barbara Kay and the dwindling group of BSL advocates want them extinct.

Feel free to read Barbara Kay’s latest temper tantrum right here.

Recruiting the Broken



It has begun. While the BSL Advocacy is divided, Jeff Borchardt and Dennis Baker have publically reached out to Alexandria Shalaya Griffin-Heady (the owner of the 3 dogs and the sister of the 9 year old boy killed by her 3 dogs.) with the usual deception of having a safe and blame free haven for her within their advocacy.


It hasn’t been a secret how divided the BSL advocacy is over this controversial move.  Many well-known members have publically supported the very idea of the new prospective member to be tossed in jail and have the key thrown away.

“She appears to have learned nothing. Throw the book at her as an example to others.”- Bill Hyslop

 Aleksandra is now officially blaming her dead brother. Claiming that he was abusive to dogs. Sure, children can be abusive and that is not good, but if he stayed alone with three poodles, or three birds, for example, he would be still alive. That is what pit bulls people do, blaming everyone except themselves. She is blocked by me, I hope, she will be jailed to serve as example, at least.”-Serafima Yan

“Proof enough those were fake tears for the camera when she said she’d “suffered enough.”-Aaron Wood

It’s sad watching the BSL advocacy whisper their lies and false promises.

“People will listen to you because they are you….”

No, people will not listen to her, just like they don’t listen to the disgraced babysitter Susie Iwicki. What people will question is, why is the BSL Advocacy calling for someone who left their 9 year old brother (who, according to Alexandria, was known to behave irresponsibly around the dogs..) alone in a traveling trailer to talk to our communities about responsible dog ownership?

Simple Steps


 You have a oppertunity to save others from the samepropaganda that killed Tyler.”- Dennis Baker

Exactly how does she have the “oppertunity” to save others? Exactly how did propaganda kill Tyler?  Dennis is showing just how easy the BSL Advocacy makes it so appealing for irresponsible dog owners to join their cause. It’s all about passing the blame and erasing personal responsibility. It wasn’t Alexandria that kept 3 unaltered dogs in a small travel trailer? Was it a group of random strangers…? It wasn’t Alexandria that allegedly knew that her brother behaved inappropriately with the dogs and STILL left him alone with 3 much larger dogs?  Who did if not her? What propaganda killed Tyler? Absolutely none. Alexandria, her dogs and CPS killed that child and that is what the BSL advocacy wants the public to ignore.


If You Accept

 Alexandria Shalaya Griffin-Heady, my son was also killed by pit bulls in 2013. I would like to speak with you over the phone sometime if you’re willing? I promise to remain civil with you. The death of your brother has caused a great deal of division within our advocacy. 

I’m going to send you a friend request. If you accept, we will take this conversation offline. If you deny, I will completely understand and won’t bother you further.”- Jeff D. Borchardt


It’s interesting watching the founder of Daxton’s Friends, Poster Child and well known cyber stalker Jeff Borchardt lie through his crooked teeth.  He promises to stay civil…. until she either accepts his invite and becomes a vocal BSL Advocate and does EXACTLY what he and Colleen says or…. she doesn’t and then he will rip her to shreds and feed her to the frenzy of extremists circling her in the water.


Of course she won’t be alone within that movement. She will be right next to Susie Iwicki, both women responsible for the death of a child in their care involving irresponsible dog ownership. Look how well she made out, she gets thrown under the bus when it helps the advocacy yet is also the voice of wisdom within the advocacy. She even became a board member of the non profit after the child she was responsible for died under her watch.


Borchardt can promise that Alexandria will be just like Susie… if she just accepts.

The Price is Right


I have no clue what she will chose, but I really think it should be the last thing on her mind, especially considering the Sheriff is recommending criminal charges.  The fact that everything she types on Facebook can and will be used against her and not just in the criminal court system but also in the public eye.  How will the public respond to her attempting to shake off all personal responsibility in the death of her brother, a 9 year old child? How will she be able to stand in front of a jury and attempt to blame “the propaganda machine” while she openly admits to knowing her brother acted in a way that SHE PERSONALLY FELT was unsafe around the dogs and STILL left him with them?

Alexandria, you have more support than you know. There are thousands of heartbroken people that have had their lives shattered because of pit bull attacks – many of them were their own beloved pets. Tons of these brave people are doing whatever they can to raise awareness so all this needless pain and suffering will stop. There’s nothing that can bring Tyler back, but lives can be saved by sharing with the world what you now know. You and Tyler can join us in trying to save others from such horrendous tragedy- Lori Whelbourne

” So advocate against pit bull and have them banned or put down? I’m am not trying to be rude. I am just asking”-Alexandria Shalaya Griffin-Heady

Sign Your Life Away


Whatever she decides to do, she will eventually have to deal with.  Now that she is messaging Borchardt, it will interesting to see if she morphs into  another self proclaimed “victim” under the care of the BSL experts if she decides to go that route. However, you can’t help but wonder how the whole BSL advocacy will feel about having to refer to her as “victim”, especially when the majority of the movement have called her everything but a victim. What does this mean for the BSL Advocacy? Yet another example of them excusing negligence and denying justice all because they think this voice will help them pass BSL laws?

At the end of the day, Borchardt and his fellow BSL advocates can make all of the empty promises they want to Alexandria. They can make her feel that she wasn’t responsible for her own actions but what the courts can do can be just the opposite. Will Borchardt be mailing her flyers if she does go to prison? Will Dennis Baker and Colleen Lynn put money on her books if she goes up the river? Will Lori Welbourne and Mia Johnson fly from Canada and visit her on visiting days? Doubt it, but what is for sure is that no matter what happens to Alexandria, the BSL advocacy will use and abuse her and toss her away when they have used her all up.

Who Failed Tyler?

“Boy Mauled to death in Linda Trailer by pit bulls”.

by Monica Vaughan

A 9-year-old boy was mauled to death by three pit bull dogs when he was left alone in his sister’s trailer home, the Yuba County Sheriff’s Department said Monday

Who failed Tyler? Obviously, it’s easier to focus on the dogs, because this tragedy is so horrific.  The very idea of a 9 year old boy being left alone trying to fend off 3 attacking dogs makes anyone sick to their stomach. As usual, when information starts to trickle onto the internet, as with most dog bite fatality cases you start seeing just how preventable this horrible death was.

Who was Tyler?

Tyler Trammall-Huston, 9 year-old foster child, who lost his mother in 2011 and has been moving through foster care separated from his siblings. tyler-griffin-huston-killed-by-pit-bulls.jpg

He was dealt an unfair hand and paid the price of the poor choices the adults in his life have made, but according to his foster mother, Gloria Hudson, he seemed excited to be able to be with his older sister.

Tyler Trammell-Huston, had been staying with his sister on weekends with the permission of Sacramento County Child Protective Services. During his winter break from school, he had spent two or three weeks with her, in her small travel trailer south of Marysville. Hudson said a judge was supposed to decide later this month whether he could move in with his sister full time, provided she got an apartment.


A Broken System?

What child wouldn’t be, but was it the best and safest choice for Tyler? Obviously it wasn’t. Even though CPS was notified that the sister was considered “unstable” and the living environment, a small trailer with no working bathroom and according to reports from relatives that one of the dogs, had a history of aggression that included attacking other people screams negligence by all the adults involved in this case.

This isn’t the first time that a Child Protective Service have fallen under fire after a child has died while under their care and supervision. “Between 2008 and 2011, more than seventy children who passed through the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services have died due to child abuse or neglect.” writes the Invisible Children Website

In 2014, Sacramento CPS were repeatedly warned about the abuse that 3 year old Airabella Mello lived with before she was drowned in a back yard pool. Just like with Tyler, CPS was notified multiple times and they failed to act in the best interest of the child and it isn’t an isolated incident. The Case of William Philya, which includes 10 reports of abuse and neglect that was filed with the Sacramento County CPS, Jadianna Larsen,  which had reports starting back from just 2 days after her birth in 2008 and continued until her death in 2015 where her body was found burned in Glenn County on the same day she was reported missing out of Sacramento County. Sadly, this isn’t something new or rare it seems with the Sacramento County CPS, in 2009 the Sacramento Bee wrote an article about the CPS being slammed in an audit showing that at least four children have died after CPS “bungled their cases and misses clear opportunities to remove them from danger.”



(Jadianna Larsen Courtesy of the Sacramento Bee)

There is no question that ultimately,  Alexandria Griffin-Heady, the dogs owners and half sister of Tyler is responsible for the death of her brother. Considering that she had been breeding her pit bull mixes (mutts) and still had plans on breeding her dogs, knowingly kept aggressive dogs that supposedly attacked other people (according to relatives) and leaving her 9 year old brother in unsafe conditions it’s a no brainer that something tragic was bound to happen and yes, she should absolutely be tried, convicted and sitting in jail.  How the Sacramento CPS could not see this, I have no idea, but it’s not surprising considering how easily they turned a blind eye to the previous children that have died in their care.

Sadly, Tyler is yet another statistic for the Sacramento CPS and it will be far easier and beneficial for Sacramento CPS and BSL Advocates  to turn this into a dog issue and not focus on the real issue, the obviously broken Sacramento Child Protective Service. The bottom line is: Tyler would still be alive if CPS had done their job, not just Tyler but so would countless of other children under their care who have been killed in horrific manners.





…. And they never stop….

Seriously folks…


What a shining example of a “victims advocacy”… right? I mean, they care so much about this grieving family that they are pulling half baked theories right out of their ass…


…. A blunt force trauma now could have killed her? So, according to these bumbling morons the dogs didn’t kill her?


Just making shit up as they go…. Now, everyone agrees that the whole suicide ruling is a bunch of crap BUT no one with a brain cell thinks she was murdered by her fiance’…. which explains why BSL Advocates have jumped to this conclusion.


Just pulling shit right out of their ass…

Her Name was Becca.


Her name was Becca.  She was 22 years old, a loving fiancé, an adoring mother to an 18-month old daughter, a close sister, a cousin and a daughter.  She was filled with so much life, filled with so much love and had the capability to do and be anything she wanted to do and at 22 years old, why wouldn’t you be filled with so much…life?

Becca was brutally killed December 3, 2015 after a devastating dog attack. As a mother, my heart breaks, not just for the young daughter she left behind but for Becca.  As a mother, one of my dreams in life is to live long enough to watch them grow into amazing women who will make a difference in the world, be it small or large and I am sure that Becca and I shared that dream.

I will be honest, I barely slept at all last night after writing a story about her tragic death. I kept looking at my 2 ½ year old who was continuously kicking me in the throat because she wanted to sleep like a toddler ninja that took up 68% of my bed and the urge to pick her up and cradle her was overwhelming. I know, deep down inside as a mother, that the last thoughts that Becca had as she laid on the cold hard ground dying was about her beautiful daughter Molly. I can only hope that those images in her fading mind where her daughters infectious laugh, those bright blue eyes and the smile that could make the heart of the Grinch grow two sizes bigger. I pray that as she took her last breath, she thought of the games of peek a boo and playing catch with a beach ball in the dining room and I can only hope that with her death, we all learn something that a tragedy like this can teach us. Compassion.

This death shouldn’t be about a fight over Breed Specific Legislation, but like many controversial issues, it never is that simple and I think this tragedy shines a light on the ugly belief system that fuels the Pro- BSL Advocacy and shockingly, Colleen Lynn sets the tone for this as she herself labels the grieving fiancé as a “super nutter” because he spoke out and refuse to try to destroy a whole breed of dogs because of the actions of a few., a “public education website” dedicated to advocating for Breed Specific Legislation and the extermination of all pit bull, pit bull type dogs and a every growing list of breeds of dogs they deem to be dangers.  

According to Colleen Lynn, champions the rights of victims through their research, education and advocacy, even going as far as stating: “Victims of serious and fatal dog maulings, families and friends, health and public safety officials and the concerned public need advocates too. We advocate for you.”  Yet their online behavior screams just the opposite, which seems to be selective at the best and the requirements are simple:

Join in their fight for the banning and extermination of pit bull/pit bull mixes or what they deem pit bulls.

This is the side of the BSL Advocacy, the self-proclaimed “victim’s advocacy” that the public needs to see. Their advocacy isn’t about making our community a safer place or allowing the grieving families to attempt to pick up the shattered pieces of their lives in a safe and protected atmosphere, it’s about keeping the victim’s family in this violent and vicious circle of continuous pain to break them down and submit to their cause, to break them down to such a weakened state that the victims’ families just can’t not find the strength the fight the onslaught of abuse that the “victim’s advocate” heap onto the family.

“Apparently when you have a family of pit bull breeders…. they will do/say anything to keep that business thriving. Even when a beautiful life has been stolen. Disgusting. The fiancé needs to be LOCKED away. That child needs to be protected!! I PRAY.”- Jennifer Martin Kim

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“This guy OWNS a Pit Bull?!?!?  His kid is next, it’s just a matter of time…” Joy Bailey


“And yes, you do destroy a whole breed because of a few bad seeds because there are safer breeds available. We do this with humans too. Every Nazi was rounded up and executed.”- James Hassinger

“Her grieving fiancé needs a lesson in grammar and spelling check.

Oh, and he probably should do a little scientific research before making claims that the attack has nothing to do with the breed”- Rebecca Tomaszewski

“He’s a piece of shit. Maybe he threw his lady over the fence…. doesn’t sound like a great relationship to me?  What a f****ing fiasco during the attack; no real action so the Pit Mix joins in the fun too”- Lesley Karen Luscombe

“She was probably escaping from this idiot’s violence. He’s probably happy the dogs finished off the job he started. And I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if he ran her or tossed her into that yard.” – Stacy Westover

“This twerp is the perfect size for an overhead swing and a head first slam into a garbage can, followed by the question, “Still feeling accomplished mother fucker?”- Jimmy Younger

“White trash, possibly abuser!!!” – Sandrine Sandy Georges



I wish I could say “Becca is in a better place” and mean it. As a mother, the best place I could think of would be with my family and I know that is where she would want to be. Heaven on earth was walking the beach with Molly’s hand in hers. I grieve for Becca and I grieve for the light extinguished far too soon.