Why I fight against BSL

I fight Breed Specific Legislation because these amazing puppies would have never have become members of our family at just the right moments in our lives.

Both coming from not so great beginnings but with the potential of achieving greatness.

To be best friends & companions to not just two little girls but for their parents also.

I fight against Breed Specific Legislation because I refuse to let millions of dogs and their families pay for the irresponsibility of a few. I refuse to let BSL never give those sitting in a shelter the chance of finding their forever home.

I fight Breed Specific Legislation for the families that will have to chose between a roof over their heads or surrendering their innocent dogs to be euthanized because of their “breed”.

I fight Breed Specific Legislation to squash the “how they are raised” myth- because this “breed” can be born into the most horrific of environments, be subjected to so much pain and abuse yet can overcome all of that and be the best dog a family could ever ask for.

I fight Breed Specific Legislation so that one day my daughters have the chance to create memories with their choice of dog- no matter the breed- when they have families.

I fight Breed Specific Legislation because my dogs are not the “exception“. They are just like millions of other “pit”/”bully” type dogs sitting in homes snoring, farting, running, playing, loving and growing old with families.

I fight Breed Specific Legislation because my dogs break the stereotypes and because they are just that awesome. Just like millions of others.


(* I absolutely acknowledge that BSL advocates will steal these images just like they do to millions of others but I’m not ashamed of my family and that includes the dogs…. Even the grumpy little brown one.)

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