He Will Give You One Chance to Say Exactly What He Want’s You to Say…



Borchardt is just so kind to us “willfully ignorant pit bull activists”. Just how is he so kind to us? Well, he takes time from his usually non-busy day to write a blog post about how he will give you a chance to make ONE comment on his one of hundreds of facebook pages and not get banned. What’s the catch ( because, we know there is always a catch…) ? You just have to say exactly what he wants you to say.

Seems rather simple, right? WRONG!  First, you have to listen to the barrage of names that you have to agree to be called. Nope, it doesn’t matter just how inaccurate they are, you just have to roll with the names. What are the names? Let me list a few:

You have to agree that YOU are:

  • Willfully ignorant
  • Brain washed
  • Ill- informed
  • Uneducated
  • White trash
  • Hood rat
  • Criminal
  • Uneducated
  • Poor
  • Welfare recipient
  • Prostitute
  • Drug Dealer
  • Murderer
  • Child-hater
  • Cee U Next Thursday
  • Piece of Sh@t


If you agree to the names, then you can move on to the next step. Borchardt being Borchardt kindly jotted down the things that you CAN NOT say, that list doesn’t seem tooo bad…..

  • “Any dog is capable” ( Duh… because NO other dog can bite or kill…..right?)
  • “All dogs bite” ( Nope, only one type of dog can bite, like ever.)
  • “Sorry for you Loss, but or Sorry for you loss, However…” ( Don’t even try to point out the common sense factors in a news article….)
  • “You’re Ignorant” ( Because BSL Advocates ARE NEVER ignorant…)
  • “Educate Yourself” ( Dogsbite.org and Merritt Clifton are the only education they need.)
  • “Back in the 70’s,n 80’s….” ( Because those days and those breeds just don’t matter.)
  • “According to the NCRC, AVMA, UKC, AKC, etc….”( No use for those stinkin’ experts at all…)
  • “My pit bull is sweet and would never hurt a fly.” ( Like Millions of them…)
  • “All dogs show warning signs.” ( Even though they do, it doesn’t matter, right?)
  • “It’s the owners.” ( Even though it is most of the time…)
  • “Pit bulls pass the ATTS test.” ( Even though they do…)
  • “Petey was a pit bull, or Sgt. Stubby.” (Even though they were…)
  • “Pit mixes are not pit bulls.” (Most normal people call mixes “mutts”.. but who cares?).
  • “BSL doesn’t work because it doesn’t stop all dog ‘bites.” (Even though that statement has been proven correct..)


Now the important part: The things that Borchardt will ALLOW you to say:

“Wow, I didn’t know that.”

 “I had no idea it was so bad.”

 “I will take extra precaution with my fighting breed from now on, especially around children.”

 “I will look into a break stick and how to use it.”

 “I’m so sorry for your loss.” (no BUT’S)


We have created these pages in an attempt to spare other families and friends of the pain and suffering we have had to endure by giving you HONEST information. Not DISHONEST information from the countless organizations and TV shows whom are OWNED, CONTROLLED, or FUNDED by dog breeders, owners, veterinarians or animal welfare groups that have a vested interest in keeping the status of pit bulls unregulated, but HONEST information from people that have nothing to gain from this position. – Jeff Borchardt


(Just a small sample of those honest and educational groups Borchardt offers to the public…)

Who is ready to test out Borchardt’s  offer? I will be honest, I will have to pass…. I have way to much fun proving their bullshit wrong.

Jeff Borchardt & Craig Brown- Stalking on Demand



If you listen closely, you will hear the buzzing of bitterness deep within the hive of BSL craziness. One of those voices seething with bitterness is the infamous Jeff Borchardt. Why is he bitter now? What could have possibly triggered his predictable temper tantrum?

A insightful, beautifully written New York Times best seller book that dares to speak the truth and filled with facts about pit bulls.


A book that destroyed anything and everything written by BSL Advocates. A book that confronts the inaccuracy of “statistics” by the notorious Merritt Clifton, who for some reason declined to actually back up his “statistics” when the author contacted to him give him a chance to back up his facts. A book that is supported, enjoyed and loved by professionals and experts… something that no BSL advocate has yet to ever achieve. It’s not like they haven’t tried- I mean,  J Thomas Beasley attempted to write a book, Misunderstood Nanny dogs, unfortunately for BSL advocates it sank faster than the titanic. I suppose the world wasn’t ready for a cut & paste printed copy of Dogsbite.org, but it shows the glaring difference between a well researched book (like Dickey’s) and a hack job like Beasley.

So yes, Borchardt and his fellow morons have a lot to be bitter about and true to form, the founder of Daxton’s Friends  resorts to his typical behavior…. sending out the stalkers and one in particular, Mr. Craig Brown.  It’s not like Craig Brown is new to the stalker world, in fact, he reeeeaaallly enjoys stalking people and children. Yes, you read that right- Mr. Craig Brown enjoys stalking children.


It’s his love for stalking that Borchardt knew that Brown was the best man to send to stalk and harass Bronwen Dickey at her book reading/signing which he happily did.


Even AFTER he was removed and the police had been dispatched because of his harassment and stalking, he found it necessary to attempt to pass out Daxton’s Friends fliers provided by Jeff Borchardt.

I can’t help but find the false bravado from Borchardt to be somewhat amusing. While he sits behind his keyboard in his little town in Wisconsin, always bragging about he’ll face any pit bull owner anywhere to “educate” them on his views, both him, I and a certain media group now just how false that really is.



In attempt to set it out all on the table, I encouraged a face to face  with Borchardt to be aired on a cable network channel. I even agreed to fly to his little hell hole and buy the jobless man a cup a coffee while we discussed our differences of views. I thought for sure, the man who keeps pounding his little chest and proclaiming how he would set pit bull owners straight in a face to face would absolutely jump at the chance to “educate” me with his “facts”…. surprisingly, he declined. Here was this platform with access to millions and he refused. I even agreed with producers to not to write about his growing incoherent online rants for a bit and he still chickened out. At the end of the day Borchardt showed his true colors and yellow fits him.

While I’m sure that Ms. Dickey will never have to worry about Borchardt ever growing the balls to ever face her one day, it’s no secret he will send his stalker buddies just like Brown to follow her and harass her at every opportunity.


…. and if they can’t physically stalk her, they will make sure to stalk her online also.



Welcome to the world of BSL advocates….

A Little Help Understanding Your Un- Friendly BSL Advocate


It’s no secret that BSL advocates are such twisted complicated creatures of hate, murder, mayhem and hypocrisy. Yet, they live among us and as a society we need help understanding just what that really means.


It’s Not Me, It’s Totally You.


Are you educated? College degrees? Have at least a semi functional working brain? Access to the internet? None of that matters according to BSL advocates.  If you are not following Dogsbite.org or Daxton’s Friends, you are brain washed and being duped by the GREAT BIG MEAN ‘OLE RICH PIT BULL LOBBY. Somehow, the Pit Bull Lobby has conspired with the FDA to slip mind controlling drugs in all of the food you buy to make you incapable of making decisions such as finding a family pet.

Observing, not Stalking.


Look, if you decide to post ANYTHING on social media that disagrees with an BSL advocate, you have given them unwritten and unknown permission to stalk investigate you. Even if you haven’t said anything but just happen to have caught their eye unknowingly, you still give them permission to message you and send you long emails telling you why you should kill your dog. Just remember, you are not allowed to respond, disagree, report or do anything that slightly resembles a response, because that would be harassing and considered stalking.

It all Adds up Eventually, Right?


They are 887% positive that it makes sense and for some reason, they just don’t understand why the majority can’t do the math.  It has to be all the mind altering drugs that the Pit Bull Lobby is contaminating the water supply with?


The Family that Hates, Kills and Stalks Together Stays Together


Who needs biological family? Not BSL Advocates that’s who! Many times, family members of BSL advocates find themselves on the attacking educating end of the BSL advocacy and find themselves disagreeing with the unhealthy obsession of their BSL supporting family member and slowly distancing themselves from that person.



Can Anything Be Done?

Of course! While you might never understand their craziness or their sheer stupidity, you can continue living your life just the way you want to!  Enjoy your family, play with your dog breed of choice, be a responsible dog owner and never be afraid to speak up. Be everything a BSL advocate can never be…. An awesome person.

Trump Will Save Them!

Ladies & Gentlemen, Donald Trump will fix it all and take down the “Pit Bull Lobby”!


Boom! Gail is ready to rally the troops! Trump will take down ISIS, solve the immigration problem AND DESTROY pit bulls and enact a nationwide ban on the darn land sharks!


Wait a minute… Isn’t BSL considered a special interest?


Oh dear, so Trump won’t save them?


Gail is ready to bet all of it on it!  She even saw him! Granted, Trump probably has bigger things to worry about but…. I’m not sure many in the BSL crowd are keen on the idea of hustling Trump into office…


Well… I guess there ARE things worse than pit bulls in the land of the BSL Advocacy.

Triggers: What Prompts a BSL Advocate to Attack.


Zombiesanddogs.org – We’ve placed together a list of BSL Advocate attack triggers, routine activities that launch a BSL Advocate into a full-fledged attack. Due to selective inbreeding for the purposes of spreading ignorance and hate– BSL Advocates were artificially selected to attack unpredictably, to “type super fast and stalk multiple internet sites at one time,” and to hide warning signals before an attack — the BSL Advocate  often demonstrates “hair trigger” explosive rounds of verbal diarrhea.

Known Triggers that Prompt a BSL Attack: 



Global Pandemic is on the Horizon:




Let’s face it, attacks from BSL are on the rise. According to our residential math expert, Merrit Senseless writes, “BSL advocate attacks have risen 779% in the past year, that is about 1 BSL Advocate attack per minute. We are looking at a global pandemic and it’s not going to get any better soon until we start pleading the CDC to start taking these attacks from BSL Advocates seriously.”

The Invasion and What you can do to Stop it.


Thanks to social media and internet providers, attacks from BSL Advocates can happen anywhere and at anytime. In a perfect world, the only way to 100% prevent an attack from a BSL advocate is to unplug your life, deactivate your Facebook, twitter and whatever social media platform you use, destroy your cellphone with a sledgehammer and crawl into a cave, but studies have that crawling is in fact just another trigger that can set of the ticking time bomb (AKA the BSL Advocate.).  You may not beable to prevent an attack, but you CAN take control and boot that BSL Advocate right back to the Land of Morons.

How you ask? Simple…. just follow these steps:

How to Deal with an Aggressive BSL Advocate in 4 easy steps.

  1. Remember… you are not alone.
5.3 million people or more are just like you. Living life with a happy, well adjusted pit bull and living life to the fullest. Strength in numbers… and that one thing BSL advocates lack.
2.  Get to Know your Block button.
Block ’em and move on. Any attention, including negative, is great for them. Think of them like gremlins… what’s the rule? Don’t feed them after midnight? Well, for BSL Advocates it’s like that… don’t feed them any form of attention and eventually they will slither back to their groups upset that they couldn’t get a rise from you.
3. Laugh your Ass off.
All of the steps are important, but this probably is one of the most important. BSL advocates will say and do the most horrible and disgusting things with one goal in mind: To ruin your day. That’s what they want to do. They live and breath the idea of ruining your day and spend hours finding ways to do it and the moment you give them that satisfaction… they go in for the kill.  Laugh. LOL allll you want. LMFAO if you want to.. the minute you point and laugh and show just how ignorant they are, they know they have lost the fight.  Humor will be your greatest tool, better than any breakstick out there.
4. Live your Life.
Keep living your life just the way that makes you happy, because you can be positive that those grumpy BSL Advocates are not enjoying theirs and are choking on their envy.