It’s alright to really write what you are thinking…

It really is alright to write what you are thinking, really it is. Sometimes the best message that you can share is full of sincerity and honesty that can only come from the bottom of your heart and this is exactly what I’m about to do.

So, from the bottom of my heart and I sincerely mean this: Fuck you PETA.  Fuck you right in the ear. Which ear, you ask? Does it really matter? Left, right? Heck, let’s go for both since I’m feeling generous.

I mean, it’s no secret how I feel about PETA and it’s really no secret how PETA feels about anything that could possibly be labeled a pit bull, but as usual, they have sunk to a new low. Just recently, the piece of shit  Mayor, a Mr. Denis Coderre expressed his glee as he created and pushed a ban that possibly is just as bad, if not worse than the Denver ban. As Mr. Coderre rubs his fat grubby hands in anticipation of killing thousands of innocent dogs sitting in shelters and ultimately killing family pets of people that might not be able to afford following this outrageous and inhumane law, PETA has swooped in like the vulture that they are and are celebrating the  mass euthanization that will be happening.

I kid you not folks… PETA’s online article starts with the most assinite title ever:

“Why People Who Care About Pit Bull Welfare Support Breed Protection”

I don’t know who they think they are fooling and really, you should be offended that PETA thinks that you, the average citizen, are that dumb to not realize what their version of “breed protection” really means. Come on PETA, you sneaky devil… we know you really just mean “breed specific legislation“. I know that PETA likes to portray pit bull types as these horribly abused dogs, which in fairness, some are, there isn’t a doubt about that but what they don’t tell you after writing a little line like this: “-remember Michael Vick?” just how those horribly abused dogs from Michael Vick’s property have grown into amazing, inspiring and loving dogs. I wonder why PETA didn’t mention that? Well, why would they? They are to busy cheering for Montreal. I wouldn’t be surprised if PETA isn’t loading up some death on wheel vans with an intent to drive right up to Montreal and help with some euthanizations, considering PETA’s fearless murdering leader has already shared how she loved to come in early to euthanize some innocent animals before her actual work day started.



Honestly, beneath the anger, I’m sad. I’m sad that Montreal’s mayor and PETA have taken it upon themselves to blacken humanity with their discriminate hate and blood thirst. I’m saddened by the fact that soon, dog after dog, puppies to the elderly pooches will have their lives snuffed out for no reason what so ever. Has killing innocent dogs EVER prevented dog attacks? Nope and that’s a fact. Why is that, you ask? Because irresponsible dog ownership doesn’t discriminate. Irresponsible dog owners don’t care and they have hundreds of breeds to chose from. An irresponsible owner of ANYTHING won’t be affected by this, just like irresponsible gun owners won’t be affected by tougher laws, sex offenders won’t care about harsher penalties, drug dealers absolutely did not care about the Regans “Just say no to drugs” campaign…. you get the drift. You know who will be affected? Families. Responsible dog owners, FUTURE responsible dog owners and we can’t forget about that. The next generation. Our children, who could be stepping into a Montreal shelter to adopt a dog like what they had as a child and find not one single one there, why? Because PETA and Coderre killed them all.

Borchardt Calls for “War” Against Pit Bull Owners.

Borchardt, founder of Daxton’s Friends has declared all out war on Pit Bull owners after the release of the new book written by Bronwen Dickey.


At this moment, sitting behind his computer in the great state of Wisconsin, Borchardt is messaging all of his fellow fear mongering minions and stuffing envelopes with his fliers while he seethes with his ever growing rage that the public is finally seeing just how hateful and violent the BSL movement has become thanks to a new article that was written by Josh Shaffer. It’s no secret that Borchardt is partially responsible for creating Pit Bulls & Amputees, an ” anonymous ” facebook page dedicted to the usual BSL reteric and Shaffer explains in the article just how BSL advocates attempt to stay anonymous while indulging in their usual online hate cyber attacks.  The bottom line? Borchardt is very mad, once again.


Not only does Borchardt send the materials used in physical stalking done by Craig Brown, he brags about it and in usual Borchardt’s  fanatic behavior, everyone who disagrees with him and the fundamental concept of BSL are all liars and frauds. He doesn’t want to hear a single thing UNLESS you are actively out stalking people who dare to speak up against the flawed BSL concept and his fragile grip on reality is slipping and it becomes glaringly obvious in his latest fanatical rant.


Calling millions of innocent families that chose to have pit bull/bully types and the common mutt for a pet as domestic terrorists is a great example of just how obsessive and all consuming Borchardt has become in the outright attack of the majority of the United States population. Ironically enough, the very thing he outlines in his rant, is the one thing he denies those who he is continuously attacking. Let’s break down his idiot questions and answer them:

  1. Can you find common ground with people that could give a shit about you and your family? 

Has Borchardt found common ground with the millions of pit bull owners attempting to keep their family pets safe from the erratic and often dangerous behavior from his BSL movement? Does he give a “shit” about the millions of families living peacefully with their pit bull  type dog? That answer is obvious after you check out the many facebook pages created by Borchardt, many like his facebook page where he posts pictures of children who have pit bulls in the family. How many of those families has he victimized?

2. Can we find common ground with people who refuse to listen to your point of view,   discredit your source, or refuse to read the victim’s stories?

I don’t know, can Borchardt find common ground with the millions of families that are living peacefully with their dogs even after Borchardt attempts to discredit all of the professional affiliations that do not support BSL? Can he find common ground with the families affected negatively by BSL or will he continue to mock families that have to give up their innocent pet because of BSL?

3. Can we find common ground with people who care more about dogs than the innocent children maimed, mauled and killed by these dogs?

While the majority of the population sympathizes for the loss of a child or an injury done to a dog, the majority of the population still realizes just how rare dog bite fatalities are.  Why should families give up their innocent dogs because a tragedy happened? If you are a gun owner, will you be giving up your guns because a child was killed by a gun thousands of miles from you? Studies have shown just how ineffective BSL has been and how other methods such as education is one of the greatest tools in reducing dog attacks.

4. Can we find common ground with people who flat out deny the history and heritage of these dogs?

It’s interesting that Borchardt keeps circling back to the “history” and “heritage” of all pit type dogs. It’s no secret what the original purpose of the original breed was for and while there are obviously still dog fighters attempting to recreate the lineage perfect for the gruesome and illegal act of dog fighting, it’s a safe bet to say that the majority of “pit type dogs” sitting in homes are glorified mutts. Could they have “pit bull” in them? Of course, but then again, they could also have lab, poodle, great dane and about 400 other breeds mixed with them. Those that have  American Pit Bull Terriers are not blind to the history of their chosen breed and many of those that have rescued dogs from a fighting operation know all too well about why their dogs were created and yet it’s those individuals, like the owners of the Vick dogs that have done the greatest service to their community by showing just how amazing these dogs can be when taken out of the abusive environment.


Yet Borchardt still wonders why people just won’t toss their own beliefs out the window and support him and his failing cause. Not only does Borchardt search for conflict, he obviously enjoys the ability to stalk and confront people that he knows will not see eye to eye with him, either that or he is short that many brain cells where he honestly thought going to obvious rescuers that worked on finding homes for pit bulls would really sit down and listen to a man whose main goal is to kill all of their adoptable dogs that were pit bull type dogs?

At the end of the day Borchardt loves the conflict and trauma he inflicts. While he will never publically announce that he was the driving force and one of the admins of the Pit Bull and Amputee pages ( that ironically changed their name to “Pit Bull Public Safety Education”), it’s no secret in the inner circle of his fear mongering morons that he is one of the few running that offensive hate page. He’s more than welcome to dispute it, which he will, but he will not offer up any evidence to back his claim, which for Borchardt, that’s just the norm.

Borchardt calls for war and as usual, it’s just one more thing he will fail at.

The Game of Morons

Can you guess what I’m watching as I recap the weekly stupidity that flows from the computers of BSL Advocates?


Are you ready? Well, let’s kick off this weekly recap with the tried and true beastality comment, really… It’s like those BSL Advocates have some kind of fetish involving it.


It seems like Kathleen really put a lot of thought into her fantasy, using rather descriptive words as if she was penning a beastality novel for her fellow BSL advocates!

Animal cruelty seems to be something that happens rather often among the BSL advocacy and their families. At least in the family of Vicki Maxwell it does…


Vicki stood by and watched her sister’s “little brat” (her words….) kick her dog hard enough that her dog lost some teeth. I wonder, if her dog DID bite the child, would she have a) euthanized her dog, b) blamed the dog for biting the child that had just kicked the dog so hard that it lost some teeth and c)paid for the medical cost of the child?


When it comes to honesty, BSL Advocates are usually lacking, HOWEVER it can happen, usually when they don’t realise it, like this litte gem:


You know, when the shoe fits…. Considering both Brown & Borchardt (The double B’s!!):

Stalk children ✔
Take images of children not their own without parents permission ✔
Post images of children that are not their own in secret facebook groups and pages ✔

Hmmm…. Pretty much the same online predatorial behavior of pedophiles…


Many times there is a question about which BSL advocate(s) run which hate page/group on facebook, but every now and then- they just accidently spill the beans, kind of like Jennifer Martin Kim.



What was it that Borchardt wrote in yet another whining blog post? OH RIGHT, “they create these pages to EDUCATE us.”


Feeling educated yet?

You know, I wonder if any of you “nutters” are even able to read this post? Why am I asking? Well…. According to BSL advocates, us darn nutters just can’t read!


Finally, just a reminder of how BSL advocates promote animal abuse and encourage it, I’ll leave these two screen shots right here…



Someone should find out what rescue J.Bone works at…..

Making History

It’s amazing how one phone call can change so many lives and that is exactly what happened with the Dampman family, Philadelphia and for one little brindle pit bull puppy. Like so many dogs, the little brindle puppy wasn’t born into the greatest of environments, but like millions of others, that little brindle puppy will grow up to be yet another amazing dog that demolishes the negative stereotype of his breed.


Chrissy Dampman was no stranger to the rescue world. Rescuing pit bulls and pit bull mixes from the sewers of Philadelphia, injured and starved, she’s always had room in her heart for the breed. After a divorce from her husband of 15 years, she wanted to do something besides just rescuing and loving them, she wanted to take that extra step and when she had the opportunity, she decided that is exactly what she would do.


Ring Ring

The chance came in November 2012, just a week before Thanksgiving.  Chrissy’s daughter called her from the Delaware County SPCA excited about a small brindle pit bull puppy.  Brewsky, rescued along with his litter mates off a corner being sold for drugs had caught the eye of Chrissy’s daughter and she knew he belonged with their family and just like that, the Dampman family were on the path of making history.

First things first, Brewsky changed to Chad and puppy training started. “Chad was an awesome puppy. I exposed him to everything from day one. Kids, people, other dogs, noises, flooring and of course puppy classes, which he always did so well in. Teachers and people just loved him.” recalls Chrissy, “He just had the quality of attracting people wherever we went.” It didn’t take long for Chrissy and her family to realize that Chad had so much to give and share and Chrissy couldn’t wait to take that journey with him.

Baby Steps

Like many dog owners out there, Chrissy and Chad found themselves at Petsmart. Knowing how important socialization training is for puppies, Chad found himself around other dogs and learning the basics. It didn’t take long for the energetic puppy to let his owner know that he was wanting more than just the basics.   Wanting more for Chad, Chrissy started searching around for different places that offered much more than the just the basic training and it wasn’t long until she found Philly Unleashed.

Philly Unleashed, rated Best of Philly of 2015, has seen their fair share of amazing dogs and dedicated owners.  Connecting with an amazing trainer, Jennifer Green, Chrissy and Chad enrolled in classes and it didn’t take long for their trainer to see just how special Chad was and asked if Chrissy was interested in working with Chad to become a Therapy dog.  That path had never dawned on Chrissy and she decided to research it and look at Chad a bit differently, “I started watching and noticing his behavior around young children, even babies. With people in general, and I really thought he had that skill.” Chrissy knew it would be hard work but it was something she knew both her AND Chad could do.



The Road of Awesomeness

Contrary to BSL Advocates, not every dog can pass the Canine Good Citizen training & testing and what is so great about dog owners that participate in the training for the certificate is that it isn’t just about the dog, it’s about how hard the owner AND dog are willing to work together to be great examples of responsible dog ownership.  Chrissy and Chad faced ten tests and they knew they couldn’t fail one single test, yet, that is exactly what happened the first time around. Feeling defeated and embarrassed, Chrissy just didn’t know if they would be able to succeed. The trainers and evaluators knew that Chad had it in him and Chrissy and him just needed to work on it just a bit more. Unsure but knowing deep down that Chad was meant to be a therapy dog, Chrissy rolled up her sleeves and went back to work with Chad and they were not going to stop until they both succeeded. Chad took his test twice and by then, the once playful and goofy puppy learned to understand the difference between play time and working time.


It wasn’t long after the completion of earning his CGC certification, that he went on to therapy dog training and registered with Therapy Dogs International. In November 2014, Chad was the first pit bull accepted into the pet therapy program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and that alone was not an easy task. Chrissy and Chad had to go through interviewing and screening, Chad had to be medically and behaviorally screened through the Mathew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania, background checks, Child abuse clearances, health clearances and orientation and training. He isn’t done yet with breaking stereotypes, in 2015, Chad the Pit bull was nominated for the 2015 AKC award for canine excellence in recognition of his services as a therapy dog.

(Images from BG Productions)

Dealing with Ignorance

Sadly, like millions of other owners, Chrissy and Chad have caught the attention of BSL advocates and have come under attack from them. Why you ask? For being awesome examples of just how amazing Chad is… and because of his breed.  Just recently, volunteer, Julie Wall sent an email with the purpose of harassing the Dampmans and unfortunately the Dampmans are not the first nor will they be the last victims of members and volunteers.

It’s no secret that William Johnson, outspoken member of & Daxton’s Friends resides in Philadelphia, is known for launching cruel attacks on families of therapy dogs, his last online harassment campaign was against an family with an autistic child and their service dog Pupcake and he isn’t alone.


When you are making history and breaking stereotypes, you are bound to stir up the haters, which is exactly what people like Solesky, Johnson and Wall are.

“I think stuff like this when it happens makes you stronger and it makes you want to work harder for people to see and realize and try to make them understand”


Chrissy absolutely understands the stigma that is placed unfairly on Chad and millions of other dogs based off their apparent breed and how they look. When asked how she felt about the annoyance and harassment from BSL advocates,  she sharesWell to be honest with you. It’s no different then when I am working with Chad and people point out what he is and pick up their children and run away. It happens in my neighborhood all the time and I have had that happen to me at children’s hospital as well. ” She refuses to let it stop her and Chad from helping and educating, “I try to educate everyone I meet about them. It’s becomes not just about Chad then, it’s about all of them. I feel like I fight for him everyday. And if I touch or change one person along the way then I have done my job !!!”  It’s a never ending job and it’s a job that Chrissy and Chad are always going to be working at.

2016 will be a big year for the duo. Chad is being honored with the 2016 Ginger award from the Delaware county SPCA. The award is given to an exemplary pit bull in the community who is a breed ambassador. He will be getting the award on April 9th and 10th.

Learn more about this inspiring award.


Who Doesn’t Hate a Fake Story?

Who doesn’t hate fake stories? Everyone, right? But who really hates being busted on sharing a fake story thinking it was real? BSL Advocates…. that’s who. Honestly, I laughed so hard when I watched this unfold and you probably will too….

So, this morning a Mr. Borchardt decided to tag me on a post that he posted. I would link it here for you, but sadly, he deleted it minutes later HOWEVER, I was quick to grab a screen shot of it…


….. can you imagine what they had to type in google to find this fake story? He was SO EXCITED to tag me in this post…. so excited that it had to be shared on their hate group


RIGHT? WTF is exactly the first thing that comes to mind when you see this and they are ready to start rambling on about their bestiality obsessions…


Eh…. the only ones that has the sick bestiality fantasies come from the DBO side. How many times do I have to keep busting them for talking about it all the time and again that makes me ask.. WHO THE HELL GOOGLES THIS STUFF?!!?!?!


Yep, He really hates they do these fake stories, especially when he tries to engage me in something only to have to delete it because he didn’t FACT check it to make sure it was a valid story in the first place.