When Pet Ownership Goes Horribly Wrong


Honest to Pete…. Some people should never, ever, ever, EVER be allowed to be responsible for another life, whether it be for humans or animals. I’m getting to the point that people should be screened and licensed before they are granted with the privilege of caring for another living soul. Let’s face it- some of the greatest examples of human negligence involves the inability to care for children and pets. Sometimes it’s one OR the other but it’s becoming more common that these cases are involving children AND the pet and many times, some of those cases turn out deadly.


So, according to this mother, the dog put the toddler in the bath and then forced the mother to go outside and get the mail- leaving the two year old unsupervised in the bath THEN decided to lock that poor mom out ON PURPOSE. It’s totally not the mom’s fault, right? What would have happened if that two year old would have drowned? It’s not like two year olds don’t have a history of drowning in water unsupervised….oh wait. They do.



……If your dog eats broken glass- jumping on Facebook and asking stupid questions should not be your first choice. How about picking your dog up, putting it in the car, putting yourself in the car and DRIVING TO YOUR VET? Would you ask that same question if your child decided to make a snack out of broken glass?


“Such a great cat! I let my two year old body slam him, sit on him, treat him like a piece of shit and the great cat has never tried to defend it self!” says this candidate for a horrible mother of the year. You know how children learn how to respect animals? From their parents. This is exactly why children get attacked by the “loving” family pets, because parents think it’s cute when their children treat the family pet like their punching bag. It’s great the cat didn’t rip the child’s face off, but now that the mom let their son traumatize the cat, it’s a good guess that the next family won’t be so lucky if they have a toddler.


What the hell is an unplanned heat? If your dog isn’t fixed then you have to know that a heat is coming at some point. Let me guess, this lovely back yard breeder had no clue that if they put their unaltered male great dane with their unaltered female that’s in heat would equal to ….. PUPPIES! With shelters bursting at the seams with puppies and dogs, what’s another 6 babies?


Since I know my BSL advocate fan club like to stalk this blog (Everyone wave Hiiiii!!!) I want them to pay close attention to this picture. Is this okay with you? Is this responsible parenting and dog ownership? Let’s look at the picture a moment- so, the dog has a cone around his head, which might mean he had some kind of medical procedure?  Could the dog not be in his right mind due to pain or medication? Could that change his normal behavior? Alter how he reacts normally? Now put a small child’s face in it. If that dog were to bite, where would it bite? The face? Of course. It would rip that child’s face open. That dog could easily kill that child- and who’s fault would that be? The dog’s? The child’s or the Parents? Obviously the moron taking the picture.

This is why children become statistics when it comes to dog attacks. Children become statistics because the adults make poor decisions when it comes supervising the interactions between dogs and children. Can someone tell me how BSL would prevent this child from being bit? Please explain to me Jeff Borchardt of Daxton’s Friends how BSL will protect this child from becoming a fatality? I’m sorry- what’s that? BSL isn’t supposed to prevent dog bites from all dogs just a select few? Oh that’s right! BSL isn’t about promoting or educating the public about actual dog safety. BSL isn’t about stopping or teaching families how to prevent dog attacks from all dogs….



I think it’s incredibly important that none of these animals are what BSL advocates would consider “pit bulls” ( well- unless it bit a person, then it could be passed off as part pit bull…). Irresponsible dog ownership and negligence go hand in hand and it’s not breed specific. For every example of irresponsible and negligent dog ownership that involves a pit bull type dog I can easily find one that is not pit bull related and this is exactly why BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) is such a total failure. Irresponsible ownership, back yard breeding and negligence is not breed specific. From those pesky ankle biters to the 200 lb hulking dogs that have children riding them because parents think it’s soooo cute. You can’t even call BSL a temporary band aid because it doesn’t address the real issue. The majority of dog attacks are caused by human failure. If you look at each and every dog attack or animal attack you will find that humans where the core issue.


The problem of strays? Totally human fault. It’s no brainer that the majority of issues involving domestic animals stem from human stupidity. When are we going to stop asking animals to fix the messes that WE created?  If you want to be a pet owner, you should be licensed. You should be screened. You should be held responsible. Animals are not disposable. Our pets should enhance our lives and we should enhance their lives. I remember a blogger getting mad at pet owners that consider their pets their children and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what got her undies in such a bunch. If you decide to take on the responsibility of having children or having pets OR having both you have to take it seriously. The bottom line is- our pets are animals and animals have the capability to maim and kill, no matter the size. As parents, it’s our responsibility to do everything in our power to keep our children safe and as pet owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our animals safe and that starts with regulating and holding the human behind the animal responsible. It’s obvious not everyone should own a pet and we need to stop letting animals fall into those hands.


According to BSL advocates, our military members are a bunch of fakers. According to BSL advocates, our military members who are good enough to fight for us, protect us and give their lives for us are incapable of choosing a service dog for themselves. According to BSL advocates, those military members who are suffering from disabling PTSD are not disabled enough to need a service dog and they just need to toss a few pills down their throats and they will be fine.

Daniel Wright, a Purple Heart veteran who served 11 years in the Marines and the Army, was denied a ride on a New Jersey transit bus because of his registered service pit bull, Tank.- People Magazine

Wright served 11 years, Four tours of duty, NINE surgeries on his left shoulder, unable to utilize his left arm, suffers from PTSD- yet BSL advocates want you know that these gosh darn veterans are a bunch of losers for not choosing a breed of dog that THEY deem acceptable.


According to BSL advocates- PTSD  is not a disability, nor is it disabling enough to warrant a service animal

…. maybe we should just ship a few of them over to a war zone and let them figure out just how disabling PTSD really is.

I’m not surprised by their views, to understand the needs of our service men & women they would have to think of someone other than themselves. Over and over they hammer that these soldiers who made life and death decisions in combat deserve discrimination based off their service animal.


“If Daniel Wright really wanted to fit in….” says the woman who sits on her ass in Rochester Minnesota googling and spamming anything that might sound like a pit bull story. What makes Julie think she’s that important to have any say what this combat veteran needs or doesn’t need? Is she his therapist? Does she help this man with his daily activities or help him when he’s having flashbacks of war?


When you have a small segregated group of racist homophobic morons like BSL advocates attacking a man who sacrificed blood, sweat and tears for this country because they don’t like his service dog its up to us as a community to shut them up and shut them down.

It’ obvious by McGinns comment that she isn’t educated with the the fact PTSD can be a life time affliction and since the majority of BSL advocates are unemployed and are not paying taxes which help fund VA benefits and programs- they shouldn’t have a voice when it comes to this veterans care and needs. The only people that should have a say is the veteran and his care team.


According to Sloan, a combat veterans needs are nonsense. This is the message BSL Advocates and BSL groups such as Dogsbite.org & Daxton’s Friends are sending to our troops returning home from war- that they are not allowed to have a voice, not allowed to have that freedom to find what they need to find comfort and to find a healthy way to heal. That they should be denied the tools they need to work through the trauma they received by protecting us and that is exactly what Wrights service dog is- a designated tool to help him function.


When has it become acceptable to mock combat veterans- which is what this blog by Sloan does.

Everyday BSL Advocates continue to push their agenda and hate- attacking families, exploiting children, harming animals, speading this violent infection among the mentally unstable within their group- arming them and directing them towards the public and harassng and victimizing soliders who have sacrificed everything including their lives all because Jeff Borchardt founder of Daxton’s Friends and Colleen Lynn founder of Dogsbite.org. tells them it’s allllll good. All because this small group of cowards don’t like a breed of dog.

What a bunch of cowards- but regardless of their hate directed at soldiers, soldiers will continue to fight for them, to protect them, some will die so those BSL morons can google away and some of those soldiers will suffer emotionally and physically long after the war but that’s why they are the heroes and that’s why we as a community will protect them from the hateful BSL morons.