Borchardt Calls for “War” Against Pit Bull Owners.

Borchardt, founder of Daxton’s Friends has declared all out war on Pit Bull owners after the release of the new book written by Bronwen Dickey.


At this moment, sitting behind his computer in the great state of Wisconsin, Borchardt is messaging all of his fellow fear mongering minions and stuffing envelopes with his fliers while he seethes with his ever growing rage that the public is finally seeing just how hateful and violent the BSL movement has become thanks to a new article that was written by Josh Shaffer. It’s no secret that Borchardt is partially responsible for creating Pit Bulls & Amputees, an ” anonymous ” facebook page dedicted to the usual BSL reteric and Shaffer explains in the article just how BSL advocates attempt to stay anonymous while indulging in their usual online hate cyber attacks.  The bottom line? Borchardt is very mad, once again.


Not only does Borchardt send the materials used in physical stalking done by Craig Brown, he brags about it and in usual Borchardt’s  fanatic behavior, everyone who disagrees with him and the fundamental concept of BSL are all liars and frauds. He doesn’t want to hear a single thing UNLESS you are actively out stalking people who dare to speak up against the flawed BSL concept and his fragile grip on reality is slipping and it becomes glaringly obvious in his latest fanatical rant.


Calling millions of innocent families that chose to have pit bull/bully types and the common mutt for a pet as domestic terrorists is a great example of just how obsessive and all consuming Borchardt has become in the outright attack of the majority of the United States population. Ironically enough, the very thing he outlines in his rant, is the one thing he denies those who he is continuously attacking. Let’s break down his idiot questions and answer them:

  1. Can you find common ground with people that could give a shit about you and your family? 

Has Borchardt found common ground with the millions of pit bull owners attempting to keep their family pets safe from the erratic and often dangerous behavior from his BSL movement? Does he give a “shit” about the millions of families living peacefully with their pit bull  type dog? That answer is obvious after you check out the many facebook pages created by Borchardt, many like his facebook page where he posts pictures of children who have pit bulls in the family. How many of those families has he victimized?

2. Can we find common ground with people who refuse to listen to your point of view,   discredit your source, or refuse to read the victim’s stories?

I don’t know, can Borchardt find common ground with the millions of families that are living peacefully with their dogs even after Borchardt attempts to discredit all of the professional affiliations that do not support BSL? Can he find common ground with the families affected negatively by BSL or will he continue to mock families that have to give up their innocent pet because of BSL?

3. Can we find common ground with people who care more about dogs than the innocent children maimed, mauled and killed by these dogs?

While the majority of the population sympathizes for the loss of a child or an injury done to a dog, the majority of the population still realizes just how rare dog bite fatalities are.  Why should families give up their innocent dogs because a tragedy happened? If you are a gun owner, will you be giving up your guns because a child was killed by a gun thousands of miles from you? Studies have shown just how ineffective BSL has been and how other methods such as education is one of the greatest tools in reducing dog attacks.

4. Can we find common ground with people who flat out deny the history and heritage of these dogs?

It’s interesting that Borchardt keeps circling back to the “history” and “heritage” of all pit type dogs. It’s no secret what the original purpose of the original breed was for and while there are obviously still dog fighters attempting to recreate the lineage perfect for the gruesome and illegal act of dog fighting, it’s a safe bet to say that the majority of “pit type dogs” sitting in homes are glorified mutts. Could they have “pit bull” in them? Of course, but then again, they could also have lab, poodle, great dane and about 400 other breeds mixed with them. Those that have  American Pit Bull Terriers are not blind to the history of their chosen breed and many of those that have rescued dogs from a fighting operation know all too well about why their dogs were created and yet it’s those individuals, like the owners of the Vick dogs that have done the greatest service to their community by showing just how amazing these dogs can be when taken out of the abusive environment.


Yet Borchardt still wonders why people just won’t toss their own beliefs out the window and support him and his failing cause. Not only does Borchardt search for conflict, he obviously enjoys the ability to stalk and confront people that he knows will not see eye to eye with him, either that or he is short that many brain cells where he honestly thought going to obvious rescuers that worked on finding homes for pit bulls would really sit down and listen to a man whose main goal is to kill all of their adoptable dogs that were pit bull type dogs?

At the end of the day Borchardt loves the conflict and trauma he inflicts. While he will never publically announce that he was the driving force and one of the admins of the Pit Bull and Amputee pages ( that ironically changed their name to “Pit Bull Public Safety Education”), it’s no secret in the inner circle of his fear mongering morons that he is one of the few running that offensive hate page. He’s more than welcome to dispute it, which he will, but he will not offer up any evidence to back his claim, which for Borchardt, that’s just the norm.

Borchardt calls for war and as usual, it’s just one more thing he will fail at.

Dog Fighting & BSL Advocates Go Hand in Hand…

Anyone with a soul and conscience understands that dog fighting is absolutely revolting, repulsive, disgusting, cruel, loathsome, contemptible, abominable and understandably a felony. Pretty much, it’s understand that if you support dog fighting and engage in dog fighting you are pretty much a disgusting criminal POS that should be rotting in jail. So, it’s absolutely disgusting, yet predictable to see BSL advocates THRILLED with an article from a game dog forum that was posted about the idea of dog fighting becoming legal in Kentucky.


Although, after a bit of research (Which seems to be difficult for BSL advocates), it shows just how BSL Advocate Julie Wall has failed to comprehend the legislative piece. Since BSL Advocates routinely stalk this blog, I’ll be nice and break it down for them:

A legislative panel approved a measure today that would amend Kentucky’ dog-fighting law to also make it illegal to promote the practice. Senate Bill 14, as amended in the state Senate Agriculture Committee, would make the owning, possessing, breeding, training, selling or transferring of dogs intended for use in dog fighting a felony punishable by one year to five years in prison.

While to the normal and mentally healthy person with a SOUL, making dog fighting a Class D Felony is great, leave it to BSL advocates to actually advocate FOR dog fighting.


The idea of dog fighting legalized makes the infamous and disgusting Lorde Faust INCREDIBLY joyous as she types in excitement,”Yay! Put the pits back in the pits!” Then there is good ‘ole Gail, she’s totally not opposed to dog fighting, because you know… those pit bulls just love to fight to the death according to her. The only thing she is unsure of is… you know, those pesky dog fights can be a bit…. “swarmy”, that those dog fights can attract those darn criminals…drug dealing and stuff. Not worried about the abuse and torture of the animals involved, but more about the other criminal stuff.

What is interesting is to see Mia Johnson, the co founder of National Pit bull Victim Awareness actually like the possible idea of dog fighting legal. Once again confirming that BSL advocates are perfectly fine with and support criminal and horrific treatment of pit bull and bully breed type dogs. A self proclaimed “public safety servant” supporting dog fighting? I’m not even sure how that makes any sense… you be the judge.



The Heartbreaking Reality that BSL Advocates Don’t Want You To Talk About

BSL won’t affect anyone but dog fighters and backyard breeders”- Mia Johnson, Founder of National Canine Victim Awareness

That statement alone is absolutely ridiculous and it should insult each and every dog owner out there. If Mia Johnson wasn’t attempting to sugar coat her Breed Specific Legislation propaganda, her sentence WOULD read, “BSL will affect everyone BUT dog fighters and backyard breeders.”, because that is the actual truth, but truth and BSL advocates like Mia Johnson do not go hand in hand. The very idea that BSL will prevent dog fighting and back yard breeders is laughable.  When have criminals every truly cared about any sort of legislating? That’s like saying gun control will keep guns out of criminals hands, making rape a felony (which it is) will prevent rape and discrimination laws will prevent racism. Dog fighters from all backgrounds, couldn’t care less about breed specific legislation because those laws do not apply to them. They will still continue to do the things they do and use the dogs that they do. I’ve yet to see BSL prevent one dog fighter from fighting their dogs or one back yard breeder from breeding their … have you? I have asked Mia Johnson this very question and she has yet to get back to me with an answer. What she does keep saying is the same thing over and over again: “Breed Specific Legislation will not affect one single responsible “pit bull” type dog owner in the United States.” How would a citizen of Canada know exactly what would or wouldn’t affect US citizens?


Dog Fighters Worry about BSL?

Dog fighters won’t sweat an impending BSL or the fight about it. The professionals, hobbyists and the street fighter won’t lose a wink of sleep. (I think it’s critical for people to understand that even though the three types of dog fighters have essentially the same agenda and their outcome is the same but it’s their mind set and views that are all vary, but I will dig deeper into that on another blog post.) Street fighters are usually connected to gangs, fighting their dogs over disputes and taunting each other with “My dog can kill your dog” mentality. Since the majority of their fights are spontaneous, the police and animal control are hardly ever to stop or prevent them (Ensminger, 2010; Boucher,2011; Anon, 2014b,d).  Do you think street fighters will straighten their act up and stop fighting and back yard breeding because they care about following the law? What about the hobbyists?  Those dog fighters, much like Vicks who have one or multiple dogs who fight their dogs for supplemental income and entertainment and network in specific geographic networks, will they be affected by BSL? Now, how about those Professionals? Those that have generations of “game dogs” and unlike the street fighters and hobbyists, they can trace their dogs’ lineage back to God knows when and Charging tremendous amounts of money for stud fees, breeding and owning a large number of dogs, many times, 50 or more. How affected do you think they will be? Since they are already neck deep in illegal activity, operating on a national and even an international level within a highly secret network (Gibson, 2005; Ensminger, 2010; Anon, 2014b,d).  Somehow I don’t think following the rules of BSL will slow them down a bit.  So, I’ve yet to see how BSL will affect them one single bit.


The Cold and Heart Breaking Truth.

Now, who will breed specific legislation really affect? The reality is BSL will affect the millions of responsible “pit bull type” dog owners in the United States, but it will hit low income communities the hardest.  The nations poverty level for 2015 for a family of 4 is 24,250. In 2014, 46.7 million people lived in poverty and millions of those are dog owners who would be affected by BSL.

Breed Specific Legislation targets the poor and punishes them not for being irresponsible dog owners but for being low income. BID (Breed Insurance Discrimination) often not in the spot light like BSL but also creates yet another challenge to low income dog owners and Johanna Falber, founder of Stubby’s Heroes’ explains, “With BID, the tenant may or may not have a lease. If they have a lease, and the lease does not make any mention of breed, even though the tenant is within right to have the dog, we have found that often times the landlords and even some “property managers” have bullied the tenants over their dog. The tenant, not wanting to be evicted (again, they do not have the resources to fight), often gives in. They relocate the dog to avoid any legal or financial troubles. If there is not a lease, we have seen the same happen. The tenant again, is in no position to hire representation, does not often know about the pro bono attorneys, and does not know about the free services that advocacy and activism groups offer. They are a caretaker of a dog; and not an advocate or activist to know of the resources, the services, and the community that can help. “

low income

Low income families are already facing enough stereotyping and discrimination that all BSL does is continue to place more burden on a struggling percentage of the United States population.

What happens when a low income family has to decide between keeping the family pet and putting food on the table? Families tearfully end up surrendering their dogs and those dogs are usually euthanized.  Contrary to what BSL advocates like Mia Johnson promote, the majority of dogs, included pit type dogs are not surrendered due to aggression issues.  The top 10 reasons for dogs being relinquished in no particular order (The percentages do not add up to 100% because they represent only the top ten reasons given by owners for relinquishment of animals to shelters):

  1. Biting (3%)
  2.  Pet illness (4%)
  3. Having no time for pet (4%)
  4.  No homes available for litter mates (3%)
  5. Inadequate facilities (4%)
  6. Owner having person problems (4%)
  7. Cost of pet maintenance (5%)
  8. Too many animals in household (4%)
  9. Land lord not allowing pets (6%)
  10. Moving (7%)


Since some BSL laws allow pit bulls to be grandfathered, they also refuse to allow pit bulls to be adopted out. If low income families are forced to surrender their family pets because they cannot meet the financial requirements of BSL, those dogs surrendered will be automatically euthanized. Healthy, happy family dogs euthanized all because of the financial hardship placed on families caused by BSL.


The3 Big Elephants in the Room

Discrimination, Racism and Stereotyping

I know BSL advocates howling at the use of the word “discrimination” when discussing breed specific legislation and they cry foul when racism is brought up, however, BSL does just that. Breed specific legislation discriminates against dog owners and opens the door for law enforcement to racially profile dog owners. Everyone knows that the dogs themselves have no idea about the controversy that surrounds them, but their owners do and this is exactly why BSL is more about the dog owners than the dogs.  A study done by Northeastern University professor Arnold Arluke in 2003 and recorded in the “International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy” points this out (Arnold, 2003) and shows that police departments have used dog breeds to racially profile and target people from certain neighborhoods. Automatically assuming that a young African American or you Latino walking their pit bull type dog down the street is gang affiliated.  This shows just how racism and stereotyping increase when BSL is brought to the table and something Canadian Mia Johnson, the creator of National Canine Victim Awareness forgets to mention as she attempts to flood the media with her unsubstantiated fake coalition for BSL. BSL advocates like Canadian Mia Johnson openly promote the stereotyping as she and fellow BSL advocates misrepresent pit bull owners as A) poor white trash or B) Black Ghetto hood rats.

Racism openly runs wild within the BSL advocacy and is found acceptable if used to stereotype owners. From calling African American pit bulls owners “N*ggers” to the onslaught against the Latin American pit bull owners, laughing and joking about shipping the “wetbacks back across the boarder and taking their land sharks with them”, it makes it startling clear that BSL Advocates are not just focusing on the dogs but the people. When has this become acceptable? Are we allowing a small group of people to get away with the unacceptable because they hide under the façade of “public safety”?

Time for a Change

It’s no secret that there is something undeniably broken within the BSL community and it shows loud and clear.  If law makers allow a small sect of people who are focused on ostracizing and targeting lower income communities by essentially forcing them to surrender their family dogs because they can not afford unjust restrictions, what message are we telling families? Johanna Falber hits the nail on the head when she says, The issues facing our dogs often stem from social issues that we are not addressing. They start with the issues in local communities, and are spilling over to affect animals.” Maybe it’s time we set aside the knee jerk reaction of what BSL is and start focusing on working with the communities that need a little extra help because it’s obvious that BSL targets everyone but the criminals.



Carol Miller Speaks…

According to Carol Miller, active board member of, The Huffington Post and Arin Greenwood are not a legitimate source of news or info.


Thanks for clearing up the ever revolving issue of the legitimacy of blogs! Ladies and Gentlemen, according to board member, Carol Miller has officially stated that blogs are not news nor are they a legitimate source of information.

Guess what that means?

According to Millers statement, is not considered a legitimate source of information.

Why is that?


Yep! Colleen Lynn, creator of, is just a blogger and is technically just a blog.

Who else does this affect? isn’t the only online source discredited by Miller, but Daxton’s Friends and anything written by the blogger Jeff Borchardt gets flushed right down the toilet!



We can’t forget the two Canadian bloggers:

Ms. Mia Johnson….


and the topless blogger Lori Welbourne


Just a couple more silly, discredited bloggers by board member, Carol Miller.

Last but not least…

We can’t forget a few of the popular Pro BSL blogs like….

Dawn James, blogger and creator of Craven Desires

Julie Edwards-Matanga, blogger and creator of The pit bull nutter circus and The pit bull lauereate.

Jeffery Sloan, blogger for 17barks

Jenny Rosen, creator and blogger of Scorched Earth

Sorry BSL Advocates, according to your leaders, your blogs are worthless and are not relevant… Take it up with Carol Miller.